WA Motor Insurer Statement Setup


Most insurance statements print using a specific layout and format. In particular, they print all unpaid services and products irrespective of how old they are. This is quite different to the Private Statement style which is much more like a Mastercard bill (eg opening date, closing date and transactions in between). One particular insurer in WA requires a private style statement, but addressed to the insurer. This article describes how to configure Capable 21C to support this kind of statement.

Underlying challenge

Under normal circumstances, Capable 21C will produce insurance style statements for insurance patients/clients and private style statements for private patients/clients. However, in this circumstance, the insurer in question requires a private style statement even though the patients are insurance patients. To accommodate this, Capable 21C needs to be reconfigured slightly as described below.


To configure Capable 21C to support private style statements addressed to an insurer, follow these steps:

  • Alter the statement design as described below.
  • Alter the Patient Details for the patients such that they have the motor vehicle insurer selected as their insurer, but such that they are not ticked as insurance patients.
  • Process statements normally.
  • Detailed Information

    To alter the statement design, follow these steps:

  • Go to Setup|Stationery Design|Private Statement Design.
  • Right-click on the box for the Patient Name. Choose ‘Options’ from the fly out menu. /li>
  • Drop down the list of Special Capable items, and scroll to the bottom. Locate the item entitled ‘Insurer for Private Patients’ and select it.
  • Click the close button.
  • Right-click on the box for the Patient Address. Choose ‘Options’ from the fly out menu.
  • Drop down the list of Special Capable items, and scroll to the bottom. Locate the item entitles ‘Insurance Address for Private Patients’ and select it.
  • Click the close button.
  • The operator may also elect to add extra boxes to the statement design for ‘Diagnosis’ and for ‘Claim Number’. Both of these boxes will print nothing if no data has been entered into the Patient file, but will print the appropriate information if something has been entered.
  • The operator should also add an extra box for the ‘Regarding’ option to indicate the Patient Name that the statement will refer to. This box is relevant regardless of whether the patient is insurance or private.
  • To alter the Patient Details to support this statement design, follow these steps:

  • Go to Patient Details for one of the patients in question.
  • Go to the Insurance Tab.
  • Select the Insurer in question from the ‘Insurers’ drop down box.
  • Note that the ‘Is Insurance’ tickbox is automatically turned on. Click on it to turn it off.
  • If a diagnosis is required, it can be keyed into the ‘M47 Diagnosis’ field. /li>
  • If a claim number is required, it can be keyed into the ‘Claim Number’ field.
  • Click Save and Exit.
  • To produce statements at the end of the month:

  • Produce Statements normally. Ensure that the statements produced for the patients claiming through the Motor Vehicle Accident insurer are produced as Private Statements.
  • This knowledge resource is designed for use on a Windows (tm) XP system operating at a screen resolution of 1024x768 or better. Windows Media Player must be installed for this training resource to operate correctly.

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