Printing Staff Hours


Capable 21C has the ability to print a report of the hours for each staff member that has worked during the week. This can be convenient for calculating wages. The article describes how to configure this feature.

Underlying challenge

For Capable 21C to be able to determine (and print) hours, each staff member must log on and log off when they start and finish work respectively. This can only be done if Capable 21C’s security features have been enabled. Once the security features have been enabled, each staff member must be configured to appear on the printed report.


Refer to the following knowledgebase articles for information on configuring Capable 21C’s security features:

KB-Configuring Maximum Security.pdf

KB-Configuring Semi Relaxed Security.pdf

To configure an operator to appear on the report of staff hours: /p>

  • Go to Setup|Setup Operators.
  • Double click on the operator in question. /li>
  • Tick the box to Print a summary of hours at the end of the week.
  • Click the Apply and then Close.
  • The actual report of staff hours is one of the optional reports when ‘End of Week Processing’ is executed.

    Detailed Information

    Note that when an operator logs in (or out), they are given the option to nominate the time that they started (or finished) work. Capable 21C also records the PC System time as well as the time that the staff member nominated. When the report is printed at the end of the week, Capable 21C will highlight any major discrepancies between the nominated times and the actual times. By default, a major discrepancy is considered to be 15 minutes or more. This setting can be altered by:

  • Go to Setup|Settings.
  • Go to the Other tab. /li>
  • Click on the Weekly System Component.
  • Click on the Time Variance setting.
  • Change the value to the number of minutes desired.
  • Click Close (no need to apply).
  • This knowledge resource is designed for use on a Windows (tm) XP system operating at a screen resolution of 1024x768 or better. Windows Media Player must be installed for this training resource to operate correctly.

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