Compliance Warnings


Capable 21C has the ability to generate warnings for operators when they attempt to book an appointment for patient/client with a questionable compliance record.  This knowledgebase article discusses this feature and explains how to use it.

Underlying challenge

When making an appointment for a patient/client, it can be hard for an operator to intuitively know whether the patient/client has a poor track record for attending appointments.  By placing a compliance warning on the patient/client file, any future attempts to make appointments will generate an automatic warning message that the patient/client has difficulty complying with their schedule of care.


To place (or remove) a compliance warning flag to a patient/client:

  1. Go to Patient/Client Details for the person in question.
  2. Go to the Tracking Options tab.
  3. Tick (or untick) the box entitled Compliance Warnings.
  4. Click Save and Exit.

Detailed Information

The compliance warning will only appear when making appointments through the appointment book.  Appointments booked via the Schedule window will not incur these compliance warnings.

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