Configure Special Appointment Symbols


Capable 21C can display special symbols to indicate significant issues to do with appointments.  An overview of this feature can be found in Fundamental Training 2.  This knowledgebase article explains how to enable and configure these features.

Underlying challenge

The features are configured via a variety of different places within Capable 21C.  Each of these is covered in the resolution section below.


The following special symbols can be configured:

Patient to attend their appointment early

To enable this symbol:

  1. Go to Setup|Setup Appointment Types and Fees
  2. Double click on the appointment type that should normally be attended early.
  3. Tick the checkbox entitled 'When used, patients are asked to arrive earlier than the scheduled time'
  4. Click Close.

Note that the printed appointment book will (by default) print the time of appointment less 15 minutes.  This behaviour can be changed by:

  1. Go to Setup|Settings.
  2. Click on the Other tab.
  3. Click on the Appointments system component.
  4. Click on the Default Arrive Early Minutes setting
  5. Adjust the number of minutes accordingly.

Combination appointments

Please refer to KB-Combination Appointments for specific details.

Special Care Flag

The special care flag is configured for patients individually.  To configure a special care flag for any patient:

  1. Go to Patient Details.
  2. Go to the Tracking Options tab.
  3. Tick the box entitled 'Special Care flagged on Appt Book'
  4. Click Save and Exit

Pigeon Hole flag

Some offices keep the patient/client files for the next few weeks out of their filing cabinet, and in a set of pigeon holes constructed for that purpose.  If a patient's next appointment is booked a long time in the future (eg 2 months), it will be put back into the filing cabinet until needed.  For this reason, it may be useful to an operator to be able to see the appointments on the appointment book where the paper based file is likely to be back in the filing cabinet.  To configure the number of days worth of pigeon holes the office has (eg denoting the number of days between appointments before the blue dot begins to appear):

  1. Go to Setup|Settings
  2. Click on the Other tab
  3. Click on the Appointments system component
  4. Click on the Long Time No See setting.
  5. Change the value to the number of days desired
  6. Click Apply and then Close

Detailed Information

No further detail.

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